📄️ Overview
A Brief History
📄️ Weaving
A character with the Weaving skill can manipulate exotic matter into Patterns, akin to spells in traditional fantasy RPGs. Patterns enable the creation of phenomena like lightning bolts, anti-gravity fields, or barriers of ice as examples.
📄️ Relics
The Relic is a modern foci, a cutting-edge technological device created by the Weaver. Designed to anchor the Threads of exotic matter, the Relic allows Weavers to harness and control Patterns without suffering physical harm.
📄️ Curio's
A Curio is a compact, specialised device crafted to aid in a single facet of Pattern weaving. Whether amplifying a Weaver’s control over exotic matter or easing the mental and physical toll known as backlash. Typically worn, attached to the relic or carried close to the hand, like a ring, pendant, or medal; each Curio must be in direct contact during Weaving to confer its benefits.