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The Magian (also called Magi) is a Weaver, more akin to a classic wizard who is skilled in book learning and research. You see Weaving as a science whilst the less puissant see it as a mystic art. Only you can see its true power and your understanding makes Weaving comes easier for you. You have a voracious need for learning. Either driven by a need to understand, or the lust for greater power.

A Magian, often referred to simply as a Magi, stands as a master of Weaving—an arcane art that they view through the lens of science. While others may regard Weaving as mystical or enigmatic, Magians delve into books, scrolls, and treatises, systematically analysing the threads of power that bind the world.


This dedication to research and scholarship grants them a smoother path to harnessing these forces, enabling them to manipulate energy with remarkable precision. Where novices might rely on intuition and raw talent, a Magian wields knowledge like a scalpel, cutting straight to the core of arcane secrets.

This insatiable thirst for learning propels a Magian forward, whether it stems from a yearning to uncover fundamental truths or an unquenchable desire for greater power. The library is their battlefield, and grimoires are their armaments. New insights become stepping stones in a relentless pursuit of mastery. While some may dismiss Weaving as mere hocus-pocus, the Magian’s methodical approach sets them apart, allowing them to bend reality in ways that leave others awestruck—and occasionally apprehensive.

Why should I play one?

  • You are the embodiment of power.
  • Your control and understanding of weaving are unmatched.
  • You combine power with knowledge and understand more than other weavers. You know the secrets of the ancients.

Bonus Trait: +1d Morale

Starting skill package (choose one)

Maven Knowledge is power.

  • Perception (d6)
  • Science (d6)
  • Weaving (d6)
  • Computer (d4)
  • Intuition (d4)
  • Language (one of choice) (d4)

Theurgist A more combat oriented Magain.

  • Armed (d6)
  • Perception (d6)
  • Weaving (d6)
  • Athletics (d4)
  • Science (d4)
  • Unarmed (Martial Art of choice) (d4)

Rhabdomancer Focusing on diving the truth.

  • Intuition (d6)
  • Perception (d6)
  • Weaving (d6)
  • Intelligence (d4)
  • Science (d4)
  • Surveillance (d4)

Choose a Punter

Choose one from the list below, or see the extended Example Punters list and pick one of those with GM approval.

  • Academic
  • Corp Worker
  • Talismonger
  • Union Official

Starting equipment

  • Choice of Laser Edged Rapier (DAM 2) or Staff (DAM 2, Low Tech).
  • Nanoweave Bodysuit (AP 8).
  • Clothing (hat, cape, scarf, shades and 2 x sets of travelling clothes); Magian’s tend to decorate their clothing with runic and astrological symbols.
  • Backpack or large sack.
  • Several books (of varying, carryable sizes), the contents of which are indecipherable to others, but make complete sense to you.
  • Portable personal computer (tablet size).
  • Messenger Bag (firestarter, compass, small flashlight, utility knife).
  • Relic (level 1); check the Weaving skill for some ideas on what the actual Relic could be. It is not a complete list and you should feel free to come up with an item that suits your character's aesthetic (but check with your GM).


MeditationYou have the ability to reduce your strain, even more
Inner FocusMay re-roll Weaving, must take the second result
Sense StormSense the presence & nature of storms
AntiquarianCan use Lore on alien artefacts & texts
FamiliarMay have one intelligent pet to command (pet will be able to do simple tasks each action)
GiftedYou can learn areas of weaving easier

Tradecraft Descriptions


Through years of practising meditation techniques, you have learned to replenish your mental reserves more efficiently. This ability allows you to recover from mental strain at a faster rate than others. When regaining Strain points, you now double the amount restored.

Trade Secrets:

Calming influence: You have mastered the art of self-rejuvenation, this influence significantly reduces the time required for you to recover from mental strain.

Modifier: Decreases the recovery time needed for you and your allies to regain Strain points.

Synchronised Meditation: Your meditation skills have reached such a zenith that you can share the profound depths of tranquillity with another. By channelling your focus and energy, you grant an ally a fragment of your inner peace, bestowing upon them the benefits of enhanced meditation. This selfless act not only strengthens bonds but also fortifies the mental composure of your team.

Modifier: Spend one Luck point and share the benefits of meditation with an ally.


You must also be meditating to share this benefit.

Inner Focus

Your profound understanding of Weaving transcends mere technique, delving into the very essence of its craft. This deep-seated knowledge allows you the unique ability to reevaluate and potentially rectify your Weaving efforts. When faced with initial failure, you can choose to reroll one of your Weaving skill dice.


This reroll mechanism is a one-time chance per pattern, meaning it can be applied to either the skill check to initiate the weave or the subsequent drain check, but not both. The outcome of the reroll must be accepted

Trade Secrets:

Introspection: Deepen your internal focus and augment your Weaving prowess. This heightened state of self-awareness enhances your control over the Weaving patterns, manifesting as an improved ability to execute complex weaves. Your inner calm and concentrated mindset translate into a tangible increase in your skill execution, making your Weaving attempts more likely to succeed.

Modifier: Adds a +1 bonus to your Weaving Skill dice.

Resilience: Your profound connection with the art of Weaving imbues you with a unique form of resilience. When a Weaving attempt taxes your mental state, your deep-seated focus and inner strength help mitigate the adverse effects. This trade secret can be taken up to four times.

Modifier: Disregard the penalties from 1 point of Strain.

Sense Storm

Your journey as a Weaver has attuned your senses to the subtle signs of impending Storms. This intuitive connection allows you to detect their approach through unique signals perceivable only to you, such as a specific scent on the wind or a peculiar tint in the clouds. This capability goes beyond mere observation; it's an intrinsic understanding of the atmospheric shifts, enabling you to identify not just the presence but also the type of Storm that looms on the horizon.

Trade Secrets:

Storm Sight: Develop your sensory abilities to a point where you can discern not only the approaching of a Storm but also its impending effects. This heightened awareness grants you a clearer understanding of how a Storm will interact with the environment and what consequences it may have. Such insight can prove invaluable for preparing and strategising well in advance of the Storm's arrival.

Modifier: Enables precise determination of a storm's effects without requiring a Weaving (Storms) skill roll.

Temporal Precision: Your connection with the elemental forces has sharpened to the extent that you can predict the exact moment a Storm will strike and, if it creates a breach, the duration of that breach. This detailed foresight allows for unparalleled readiness and the ability to inform and safeguard those in the storm's path effectively.

Modifier: Grants the ability to predict the precise timing of a storm's arrival and the length of any resulting breaches.

Energy Attunement

Your intrinsic bond with the multifarious energies involved in Weaving transcends conventional understanding, cementing a profound connection that enables you to channel specific types of exotic matter directly. This unique affinity, developed through meticulous study and persistent practice, allows you to manipulate your chosen energy type with an ease that others can only aspire to, entirely independent of relics. Whenever you weave patterns using this selected energy type without the aid of a relic, any resultant drain affects only your Strain, sparing you from the harsher toll of Wounds.

Trade Secrets:

Additional Attunement: You've dedicated countless hours to expand your mastery beyond a singular focus, achieving attunement with additional energy type. When weaving patterns outside in this second energy type, your expanded understanding prevents the usual risks associated with relic-free Weaving.

Modifier: Select an additional energy type for attunement. You may expend 1 Luck Point to weave patterns of this new energy type without a relic, thus avoiding Wounds as potential drain.

Harmonic Convergence: You have learned to harmonise your inner energy with the exotic matter around you, enhancing the efficacy of your Weaving. This signifies a profound symbiosis between yourself and the fabric of reality, allowing for a more potent manipulation of Weaving patterns.

Modifier: Once per session, enhance the potency of a successfully weaved pattern by Spend 1 Luck Point. Add 4 points to any threads of the pattern. This increased power does not impact your Strain.


Actions: Passive+, See Details

Drawn to the untamed whispers of the wilds, you imbue your chosen small creature, such as a tiny bird, frog, or domestic cat, with a spark of exotic matter, creating a unique bond. The animal familiar becomes your eyes and ears, a partner in your adventures.

Basic Bond: With a gentle touch, gesture or a spoken word, you can issue simple commands your Familiar can understand. Your bond with the creature allows you to communicate basic instructions as long as it remains within sight or earshot.

Unseen Partnership: As long as your familiar can see or hear your commands, your bond transcends, keeping your partnership hidden from prying eyes if you so wish.

Example Commands:

  • "Stay vigilant, return to me if someone approaches" you whisper, and it perches on a high branch, eyes scanning the terrain.
  • "Retrieve that trinket," you gesture, and it slinks past unsuspecting guards, returning with the hidden charm.

Trade Secrets:

  • Greater Familiar: By infusing your familiar with additional exotic matter, you strengthen your bond significantly. This elevated connection allows you to tap into your familiar's senses, granting you the ability to hear, see, and smell through it up to a distance.

    The effective range of this sensory connection is determined by multiplying your Psyche Trait by 10 metres. You have the option to further extend this range. Each time you take this specialisation again, the distance extends by an additional length equal to your Psyche Trait multiplied by 10 metres.

  • Beyond Sight: Deepens your bond further, enabling mental communication with your familiar. You can now issue simple commands with a thought, up to the same range as your Greater Familiar specialisation. (Must have Greater Familiar)

  • Shared Strength: In desperate times, your profound bond allows you to lend your strength to your familiar. You can temporarily transfer some of your own vitality to the creature, transferring Wounds or Strain the familiar has suffered to yourself. (Must have Greater Familiar)


  • While loyal, your Familiar retains its wild soul. It won't risk itself foolishly or blindly charge into danger. Treat it with respect and understanding, for its companionship is a gift, not a tool.
  • You can only have one Familiar at a time. Should your bond be broken, a full day must pass before you can forge a new partnership with another creature.


The term 'Gifted' is somewhat of a misnomer, as this craft is not restricted to those naturally talented from the outset but can be acquired through dedicated study and insight at any point in a Magi's career. It signifies an advanced level of comprehension and finesse in Weaving and Science, a fusion of arcane knowledge and empirical study that enhances one's abilities beyond conventional limits. As a result of this profound enlightenment, the acquisition of new powers becomes notably less resource-intensive, reducing the learning cost of Patterns by 1 Advancement Point.

Trade Secrets:

Resourceful Study: The breadth of your knowledge and your innovative approach to study mean that you can extract more value from fewer resources. You've learned to bypass traditional constraints and limitations, making the process of enhancing and building relics not just faster, but also more economically viable.

Modifier: Reduce the material and financial cost by 25% round down. Reduce the time to build or make modifications by 25%.

Accelerated Learning: Your deepened understanding and insight into the underlying principles of Weaving and Science have streamlined your learning process. This enhanced cognitive efficiency allows you to assimilate new concepts and techniques at an unprecedented pace, significantly reducing the time and effort required to acquire new powers.

Modifier: You can learn two patterns during downtime.